Rob Schneider/Colleen Haskell interview

Rob Schneider checking out Propaganda

The beautiful Colleen Haskell and me

Rob Schneider and Colleen Haskell are terrific in person. Colleen is friendly and fun. She has a sweet personality that is not fake at all. Rob Schneider told me when we spoke about the film The Animal, 'when you meet her she melts you'. That couldn't be more true. As I said in my review she's a born actress but when you meet her she's very real and down to earth. We talked for 20 minutes and she was psyched about my site! Then Rob entered the room- red shirt, white pants and wild hair -- Rob Schneider mocked out my jacket and tie within the first 2 seconds of meeting me. He said, ' hey I was gonna wear that (tie) but I decided not to' Trust me there was no way in **** he was going to wear my school clothes. We talked about the movie and a little bit about my site. Four other journalists from radio, TV, and teen people were there to participate in the round table interview. I'll have the interviews encoded and up in a week. Rob Schneider is mondo funny in person. He's grrrrrreat! It was extra kind of The Animal staff to leave animal crackers and Nacho Slim Jims to tame the beast known as my digestive system while I waited patiently for my interview. So watch for the un-Charlie Rose interview and for Mongol (the guy in the black hot pants and red socks) who pours a special blend of Asian tea for Rob Schneider to keep him healthy, wealthy and wise.....